Tag Archive for: Gay

The After-Meth of Sex

Imagine a magic powder that transforms every potential lover into the person of your dreams. Now suppose every touch of that person feels like full-body orgasms for hours, and your hunger for them never ceases as long as you are under the spell.

Sexual health cuts will cause STI ‘explosion’

“We’ve already seen the start of a potential explosion in syphilis and gonorrhoea in men who have sex with men, and it’s only a matter of time before the enthusiastic use of dating apps and antibiotic-resistant gonorrhoea starts to have an effect on the heterosexual population,” he told The Guardian.

Chemsex linked to rising levels of HIV among gay men

Increases have been recorded for HIV and sexually-transmitted infection transmission among ‘chemsex’ party goers where NPS and other drugs are taken over a prolonged weekend period. The parties are usually sex parties primarily between men who have sex with men.

Celebrating Christmas and welcoming New Year 2016

I will like to thank all of you who are looking at this article, thank you for visiting our webpage and liking us on Facebook.

Wishing everyone Happy New Year and making it better for 2016!

Signing off,

FDA relaxes 32-year ban on blood donations from gay men

The Food and Drug Administration has relaxed its 32-year ban on blood donations from gay men. The ban was originally introduced in 1983 to protect people receiving blood transfusions from people infected with HIV.

I got rid of depression after embracing my homosexuality

One day I told myself that this is not going and on the day that I was getting out of the hospital I got into an arguing with my mom about everything that happened and I just lost it. I told her that I would no longer live the life she wants me to and that I have decided to be happy from then on.

21 Honest Confessions of PLHIV

Homophobia, stigma, and discrimination can be especially hard for young men who are gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. These negative attitudes increase their chance of experiencing violence, especially compared with other students in their schools. Violence can include behaviours such as bullying, teasing, harassment, physical assault, and suicide-related behaviours.

Hillary shuts down Republican

“I think really the things you do in your house, if you could just leave those in your house, they wouldn’t have to be part of the workplace, to tell you the truth.

Gay and MSM Community Sexual Health Survey Singapore 2014 (Update)


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The findings are now available here.

– http://afa.org.sg/whatwedo/advocate/sac/9th-sac-archive/#symposium-2


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HIV infection is spreading rapidly in our community. In 2013 56% of the newly detected HIV infections were among gay and other men who have sex with men (MSM). We estimate that over 5% of all MSM in Singapore are HIV infected. The situation is especially urgent because HIV is infecting more young men, many of whom have not yet started their careers.

Effective information and prevention programmes are needed to slow down the spread of HIV. We are therefore seeking to improve our understanding of sexual health behaviour and attitudes.


“Daydreamers” by Tam Bui



Photographer Tam Bui released his latest set of photos entitled “Daydreamers” with the theme of love between two men and a child. The emphasis of two gay men and their journey to find happiness were captured through this beautiful set of photos. Enjoy!



More on Tam Bui and his masterpiece :  click here