Sexually Transmitted Infections

1 Ship, 2 ships, 3relationshipAvoiding STIs in any relationship



We often see many people who are happy being single or in a “monogamous” relationship or even in an open relationship. How do these people maintain a healthy relationship they’re in despite the rise of Syphilis, Gonorrhoea and other Sexually Transmitted Infections? What is the secret if there is any for us to learn and explore in any type of relationship we are in? This workshop will explore what it we can do to prevent ourselves from not only HIV but the other sexually transmitted infections we often ignored.


When: Saturday March 5,2016

Where: AFA office 9 Kelantan Lane #05-01 S208628

Time: 6pm-9pm

Light refreshment will be provided

Please register as soon as you can due to limited space. Thanks. 





Registration for Relationship Workshop 3

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