We Have Received Your Donation and or Payment.

Through your generous contributions, we will be able to

  • provide services and care for persons living with HIV/AIDS

  • as well as emotional and financial support to their family members.

Defeating HIV will require a comprehensive response, and effective programs must be scaled up to treat people already infected and prevent new infections. Capacity has to be built; network and collaboration need to be forged. We need more support and donations in order to work towards the local and global vision of zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths.

Only with your generous support, are we able to continue our aim of achieving the three zeros.

Thank you for helping us, so that we can do more and do better. We are honoured to put your generosity into affirmative action.

What Else Can You Do?

World AIDS Day 2015

On this World AIDS Day countries are implementing the UNAIDS Fast-Track Strategy, and together with front-loaded investments we can expect to close the gaps to essential services faster. This means resources can go further to reach more people with life-changing results.

7 myths about HIV and AIDS you need to stop believing

We’re taught to fear HIV and AIDS like plagues — inevitable death sentences upon diagnosis.

But that’s simply not true, and it’s taken an unexpected source to point out the gaps and inaccuracies surrounding how we talk about HIV — actor and all-around controversial figure Charlie Shee

Coming out: How parents react is crucial

There will be some parents who will reject their offspring and continue to feel repulsed; some will insist that their child remain in the closet than to come out and face the external world with its varying shades of homophobia. But some will, with time and habituation, and by dint of parental love, come to tolerate and accept this part of their child.