We Have Received Your Donation and or Payment.

Through your generous contributions, we will be able to

  • provide services and care for persons living with HIV/AIDS

  • as well as emotional and financial support to their family members.

Defeating HIV will require a comprehensive response, and effective programs must be scaled up to treat people already infected and prevent new infections. Capacity has to be built; network and collaboration need to be forged. We need more support and donations in order to work towards the local and global vision of zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths.

Only with your generous support, are we able to continue our aim of achieving the three zeros.

Thank you for helping us, so that we can do more and do better. We are honoured to put your generosity into affirmative action.

What Else Can You Do?

Massive drop in London HIV rates may be due to internet drugs

PrEP use has been rising in other countries, and some cities have also seen drops in new HIV diagnoses. San Francisco saw a 17 per cent fall in infection rates in 2015. “We are convinced that PrEP is responsible for the large decreases in new diagnoses,” Portman said in a tweet about the announcement.

PrEP Survey

If you are a gay man or other MSM (men who has sex with men), or a transgender individual living in Singapore, we would like to invite you to participate in this survey. This survey will be entirely anonymous as we will not ask for your name or identification number. The results of the survey will help us better understand what people think of PrEP and how best PrEP can be provided in Singapore. Findings from this survey will assist with plans for the implementation of PrEP in Singapore.