• You’re In A Safe Space

    Welcome Home

This is home, truly, where I know I must be.

What does home mean to you? Home to us is where we can feel safe, where we hang out with our weird, awkward, loving friends and family.

Our community includes physical and online spaces and has provided generations of gay men to meet, find acceptance and love.

You are currently in a safe space, very likely a community partner, who we are working closely with to make sure you can be who you are, never judged, allowing you to access services, stay healthy and thrive.

Welcome Home.

Download our new brochure that contains all these useful information.

Worried about National Service? Download our brochure to find out more.

What Is Pink Carpet Y?

Pink Carpet Y (PCY) is gayhealth.sg’s resource centre for young Gay, Bisexual, Queer or Questioning (GBQ) men 29 years old and below.

This is a peer-led programme that is run by young GBQ men just like yourself. By applying our core values of Honesty, Integrity and Respect, we are able to make sure it remains a safe space for volunteers and participants.

As a resource centre you are able to access the following services:

  • Drop In Centre
  • Life skills Workshops
  • Social Gatherings
  • Peer Counselling
  • Free HIV/Syphilis Tests*

*Free HIV tests are only provided to 29 years old and below (newcomers, students, NSFs and unemployed), who attend our programmes.

Drop us an e-mail at pcy@gayhealth.sg.

Drop In Centre

The drop-in centre provides a safe space and opportunities for you to make new friends through games, theatre, movies and quizzes.

Life Skills Workshops

These ain’t your usual sit-down-and-listen-to-me workshops. They are designed to be interactive, fun, and useful. Pick up practical skills and tips from peers, and learn how to take charge of your sexual health, so you can enjoy life, and be comfortable with who you are.

Our workshops will explore topics such as relationship, love, sauna, coming out, exploring the different kinds of sex, or why you should test regularly.

Become A Peer Leader

Want to give back to the community or looking for opportunities to gain experiences and build confidence before joining the workforce? Join us as a peer leader and receive the training to become a PCY counsellor.

Since being introduced to PCY, I’ve come to terms with my sexuality and, now, I identify as pansexual. PCY is indeed a safe, warm and comfortable space for GBQ youths like myself to come learn, share and bond with others. Because of PCY, I’ve gained confidence and is able to be a peer leader for other youths regardless of sexuality, advocating sex positivity.

PCY is a safe, comfortable space which nurtured me and help me grow as a person. I have learned a great deal during my stint as one of the coordinators. I believe that PCY shouldn’t just be a place, but a spirit of open mindedness, courage and unity. By incorporating this exact spirit into myself, I can better pay it forward as an advocate. Hopefully, everyone can find it within themselves, and become comfortable with who they are, as I have through PCY.

I am very glad that I was introduced to PCY by a friend. It is one of the rare places where I feel entirely comfortable to be myself, hanging out with other GBQ youths. Naturally more reserved, I feel that I can explore the extroverted side of myself in a safe environment. There are many activities and workshops that caters to the community. There is never a dull session because of the company which encompasses people from all walks of life and the attentive facilitators who have dedicated themselves to organising different activities. I am truly proud to be part of this expanding, vibrant community and recommend all GBQ youths to join us.

Attend our Drop In below

Gay, Bisexual, Queer or Questioning? It’s OK

The Kinsey Scale

Studies show that human sexuality is not clearly divided into two categories – homosexuality and heterosexuality. It’s a spectrum, ranging from homosexuality, heterosexuality and through bisexuality. As humans, our sexuality can shift with time and age.

“The living world is a continuum in each and every one of its aspects.”
– Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948)

Homosexuality and bisexuality are not mental illnesses. A person’s sense of sexual orientation is influenced by environmental, biological and sociological factors. It does not change who you are, stops you from expressing affection and filial piety in any ways, or make you any lesser. You’re OK.

The scale you see above is the Kinsey Scale. It was developed by Drs. Alfred Kinsey, Wardell Pomeroy, and Clyde Martin. First published in Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948), the scale accounted for research findings that showed people did not fit into exclusive heterosexual or homosexual categories.

Rating | Description
0 | Exclusively heterosexual
1 | Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual
2 | Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual
3 | Equally heterosexual and homosexual
4 | Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual
5 | Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual
6 | Exclusively homosexual
X | No socio-sexual contacts or reactions

Need to speak to someone?

If you’re confused or need a pair of listening ears, come talk to us. PCY provides peer-based counselling for anyone who has questions about sexuality, sexual health and HIV testing. The counselling aims to improve your well being through lived experiences so you can have a better understanding of yourself.

Drop us an e-mail at PCY@gayhealth.sg and our coordinator will get in touch with you.

Taking Charge of Your Sexual Health

Regular testing puts you in control of your HIV and STI status allowing you to protect your health and the health of your sex partners. However, we understand that taking an HIV test can be a very stressful event, and that’s why we are here for you.

We wants to make the experience as simple, safe, and appropriate for the community. Being sure is SEXY.

If you find out you have HIV, you can then take steps to benefit your health, including talking to your doctor about treatment. There are plenty of services available to assist you with a new HIV diagnosis, including many provided by gayhealth.sg.

As a young GBQ man, you may qualify for a FREE HIV test at Pink Carpet.

Drop us an e-mail at PCY@gayhealth.sg to find out more. 

Pink Carpet is a sexual health service operating within the AfA Anonymous Test Site (ATS) for GBQ(Gay, Bi, Questioning/Queer) men.