Think you know all the Sexually Transmitted Infections(STIs)? How does it spread ? The symptoms? The stages for infections? The treatments and some even have vaccination to prevent you from getting them? partnered with DSC Clinic on November 27, 2014 for our MSM volunteers and their friends. The workshop was very informative for the participants and many left with a different view of how easily the infections can be transmitted. The feedbacks were positives and some even shared on Facebook about what they had learnt.
“Attended a fruitful session on STDs. It’s very interesting to have a Doctor speaker and explain in more details on STD. Two types mainly, the viruses like herpes 2 and warts which will stay in our body even when symptoms are gone and bacteria type which covers the rest which can be cured. But that doesn’t mean it won’t come back, if u have even a deep kissing of mouth to mouth, you will still get syphilis! So get a regular partner(s) and reduce the risk. Even precum has viruses… Argh.. And your listerene doesn’t blast your mouth super clean after either. Know your risk, play your part.” – R.E
Want to know more about these Sexually Transmitted Infections? Click on the link below for more articles in our Survival Kit!
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